Looking For The Good From "It"

We are all weary from the bad “it” has created, encapsulating us in isolation, spreading illness and claiming death. Yes, the COVID undertow pulls us out daily and it seems easier to ride in on the negativity wave. But in the midst of our pandemic, have you tried looking for the good from “it?” Perhaps we need to buckle up our life vest, swim harder and shift our mindset.

Choice. It’s ours everyday, so this day I’ve decided to look beyond the frequently overwhelming bad to focus on the good of “it.” Sitting on my front porch, I can focus on things more easily. From my corner wicker chair, life has become a bit of a spectator’s sport; here’s what I’ve witnessed over the past four months. 

Seeing the good. My question to you is: Have you used this pause to see the good? I mean really “see” it? The kind of witnessing that a researcher would experience or ethnographer would chronicle, not just watching the daily news feed go by in an incomprehensible blur. Your ability to see is part of humanity’s chance to do a hard pivot on so many things, including our values.

The joy of cancellation.  When life’s daily obligation’s with coworkers, friends, family and colleagues abruptly got cancelled by “it,” we found ourselves temporarily suspended in time. The once inked-in events, fundraisers, concerts, meetings, trips and life’s daily churn screeched to a halt in mid March. And we were all left wondering how and when life would resume. Busyness was erased as easily as a maintenance person’s nightly cleaning of a whiteboard. Disappeared.  At first “it” caused disappointment – vacations cancelled, schedules interrupted, appointments postponed “until further notice.” Uncertainty debuted and dug in its’ heels. For many, uncertainty has been overwhelming, but in reflection it became freeing. For me, finding the joy in all that has been cancelled has been a quest. Each of us has been “knighted” by “it” to look and act beyond what was to what could be.

Helping others. The immediate human reaction to imminent threat is twofold:  keeping our loved ones and ourselves safe, and then helping others. After securing our home spaces, many of us wrote checks to non-profits and joined in local efforts to acknowledge front line and essential workers. Others not in the “at risk” categories have found ways through volunteering to do our part: helping out at food banks, running errands for the elderly, and doing thoughtful turns for neighbors. “It” felt good and right and I found myself wondering what took me so long to meet my neighbors’ needs up close. We need to keep helping others to see and experience more of the good.


New ways to socialize. Humans crave different levels of socialization. For introverts, staying home has not been such a burden, but for the social butterflies, it has clipped our wings. We’ve had to be creative in maintaining friendships and in growing new ones. Checking in on family, friends and neighbors has taken on a whole new meaning. Whether phone calls, video meetings, porch sits or keeping our physical distance, we’ve all created a routine within our “COVID circle.” Building this new routine has helped us all get through “it.” In fact, I’ve never seen folks so friendly, waving and shouting hellos in an effort to socially connect and fill up our voids.

Life looks inward.  Too many times our individual needs fall last on the list: our thoughts, our health, our emotional and physical needs. It’s good to have this time to focus inwardly. The self-imposed busyness of our lives tends to leave our own well being low on the list of priorities. Suddenly, our well-being was front and center. First phase: fear and anxiety. Next phase: lack of self-care. Third phase: self-improvement. Time away from our regular routines plays tricks on us individually during isolation, sometimes acting as a cruel teacher and other times as a blessing in disguise. Let’s focus on the latter and use “it” to motivate us to be better for ourselves and for those who love us.  


Life at home.  Never have we collectively spent more time at home for such an extended period of time. Family. Home. Yard. Our world suddenly shrunk. After an initial fixation with the news, (as happens during catastrophic events) we were left looking at our immediate surroundings with new eyes…stay at home eyes. And our surroundings soon began to bother us. The passage of time, a “stay home” order and life with COVID started working its’ black magic. People, fueled by pent up energy, anxiety and frustration, began cleaning up the corners of their lives that had previously been neglected “until tomorrow.” Tomorrow became today – yards now look the best they’ve ever looked, homes are being repaired and renovated, and people are finding joy (or other things) in tidying up the inside of their homes and getting things in order.

Noticing nature. A lack of commuting to work for those of us staying home means seeing what happens here when we are normally “at work.”  Either from the comfort of our home or while enjoying outdoor time, it seems there is more wildlife outside our four walls than we’ve ever previously noticed.  A variety of birds and mammals live among us once unseen and now are welcome distractions. Hummingbirds are now observed daily. Flowers that were there, but never fully appreciated are finally seen, cut and arranged in vases to enjoy.  Gardens once untended are rediscovered. Yes, noticing nature is part of the good I see in “it.”

Outdoor escapes.  My happy place has been the great outdoors for over five decades. And now, in the relative safety of fresh air and the outdoors, people have flocked in record numbers outdoors. My husband and I marvel at the droves of people filing by on our neighborhoods’ sidewalks: biking, walking, strolling, skateboarding and running. For some, it is their first time venturing on long walks, hiking through the woods, or visiting our local, state or national parks. Bike trails are crammed with novices and veterans alike all eager to shatter the sheltering routine, bust boredom and exert energy. Thoreau would be thrilled (or maybe appalled) with the throngs out enjoying nature. Now the challenge is to find times that the masses are not outdoors alongside me.


 Work and learn from anywhere. I’ve long known work and learning can be productive from anyplace, anytime, but employers and schools needed convincing.  The good in this pandemic is that excuses why not to allow virtual participation have been silenced. I’ve known for decades that some of my best work has taken place from home. But it took a pandemic for others to realize you can work or learn from home or anywhere, which is as disruptive as it is freeing.  The effects of this adaptive hard pivot are chapters in books not yet written. The effects of “it” on our use of and thinking about physical space are long lasting and still unfolding. Don’t misunderstand me; I still value in-person the most. The lesson “it” taught us is that we now collectively know we can be physically apart and virtually still get things done.

Time to read. A couple of months ago I stopped binge watching TV and a few weeks ago I started reading again. First, “Little Fires Everywhere,” then “Where the Crawdads Sing.” Now another book is underway with one in the cue. Perhaps it is escapism, but through the busyness of life I’ve forgotten how much I love to read. Yes, reading is back on my list of priorities, where it should have been all along and the boob tube is turned to sparingly as a mindless respite.

Time to build. Time is a gift. And what we have is time on our hands. Maybe now is the time for the world’s innovators to get to work, to build and invite others to co-create our future. Simply waiting for “it” to pass is not an option and a waste of time.  We are not going back to the same world. Bad leadership will fall. Marginal businesses will close and life will find a new way forward. But the new that is being built has a different feel to it. And we wonder what community will look like once “it” passes. Yes, as cliché as it is; only time will tell. So reclaim yours today.

Hope for the future. Yes, the fatigue beast has crept into our lives and we all long for the return of normal.  But “it” isn’t going away anytime soon.  What we do have control over is our attitude – seeing the good or only the bad. Hope is part of the powerful prescription needed until we are all vaccinated. Hope just doesn’t appear one day; it is channeled and fashioned every day. Now is the time to call a friend, to set up a physically distant porch visit, to surprise a shut-in with flowers or to move forward with building that new idea. You are responsible for helping hope find its way.


Be the ripple. We are living a 2020 live stream version of David versus Goliath and some days I’m not so sure who is winning. Unless you have a front row seat to the virus in your personal circle, “it” seems surreal - like watching a movie, maybe “Groundhog Day” where we are all stuck on repeat. Or maybe we’re starring in our own version of “The Truman Show,” where everyone is home watching everyone else, but nobody knows really what’s going on, whom the star is and what will happen if we break out of the bubble. We all need to tune our personal antennas to what our neighbors’ needs are.  Our outlook can be contagious and impacts those around us in ways we may never know. There is a silver lining if you look for the good in “it.” We need a wave of positivity about now and you can help create the next ripples.  

50 Ways to Work Smart From Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic


As an “idea person,” entrepreneur and expert organizer, I’ve compiled this list of 50 Ways to Work Smart. There are ten things to do now before your work is closed (if not closed already) and 40 things to do from home. If your office is already closed, you can still implement many of the items on the first ten list. Think of this as an opportunity to work differently, innovate and shake up your routine. There needs to be a positive side of disruption. If you need help innovating, I’m happy to help. Email me at

PREPARATIONS TO WORK FROM HOME BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE OFFICE (If you are still working at a place of business)

1.     Understand your HR policies regarding work from home during extended emergencies and adhere to them.

2.     Take your laptop and power cord home every night.

3.     Create a critical papers file of anything you might need to access for next 30-90 days and take it home with you every night.

4.     Survey your team to find out what technology collaboration tools they use.

5.     Organize, announce and train (if needed) your team/organization on Microsoft Teams or free technology tools (i.e. Shared Drive or options like G-Suite, Airtable in addition to your server access offsite; videoconferencing tools like Skype, Zoom or Hangouts; productivity apps like Slack, Asana or Basecamp are available, some with premium services). Private, encrypted free texting is available on apps like Signal. Use chat features/channels/texting in programs to push and share immediate information without phone text charges.

6.     Move your team meetings online now to practice (if needed).

7.     Match tech savvy staff with tech-challenged staff in a “buddy” support system. Pair your tech savvy staff with tech-challenged personnel NOW to get team tech parity. Organize and implement this on a shared spreadsheet like Airtable or G-Suite so you assist pairing and can monitor progress.

8.     Clean out your work refrigerator. You’ll be thankful you did when you get back to work after the all clear.

9.     Clean up your desk and sanitize your workspace, including your keyboard and phone.

10. Back up your computer files on an external hard drive and/or server.


1.     Establish a COVID-19/Emergency Response team to deal with issues regarding the pandemic and how it is affecting your organization and staff (this can also be done if you are still working from your office).

2.     Have your CEO or President schedule regular messaging with staff using a webinar or use other online platform to provide comprehensive updates and instill confidence and a sense of control. Email is one tool, but gets easily lost/deleted.

3.     Ask colleagues what they are struggling with working remotely and create resources for them. Encourage them to email a designated person or share challenges on a virtual whiteboard so solutions can be crowdsourced. Here is a review of some virtual whiteboards to get you started.

4.     Create a comfortable, dedicated workspace, away from TV and other distractions.

5.     Evaluate your morning routine and modify your personal schedule to compensate for zero transit time to work. Get dressed to help shape your state of mind.

6.     Visualize your day each morning (flow) and what you need to accomplish; write down your “to do list” if helpful or add workflow to a tech tool to hold yourself accountable. Revisit this list at the end of each day to track progress.

7.     Establish a caregiving schedule: If you have a child/children/dependents at home, set up a schedule with anyone at your location to take turns watching them with “heads down” work time.

8.     Be available – by telephone (if you have a job like a teacher and you don’t want to give out your phone number, set up a temporary VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) number and send it out to your class). Higher ed online collaboration tools like Blackboard are the best place to keep assignments and communication in one place. Scheduling tools like Calendly or You Can Book Me are good for folks to sign up for your office hours slots. If you are looking to identify time for a group to meet, try When2Meet or try a Doodle poll to find common time.

9.     Plan alternative communication channels. Email boxes are already getting jammed, so make a plan/schedule to connect regularly with your colleagues or clients using other technology channels.

10. Host a Slack Stand up meeting with your teams to report in daily, weekly. It is an app that you can have on your phone and computer.

11. Create a break space in your home, away from your workspace.

12. Schedule and share a 15-minute virtual cup of coffee break a couple times a day. Use that time to invite staff to check in with you one-on-one (videoconferencing preferred, but phone is also fine).  

13. Review your emails and digital files – delete and file, sort by size of the email and attachments to save precious space (your IT team will thank you).

14. Review company/department marketing plans and make decisions now on how things should pivot as new markets unfold and others fall off temporarily.

15. Network! Go through that pile of business cards in your drawer and digitize them. Connect and reach out via LinkedIn or write a handwritten correspondence to gain attention and stand out from the sea of emails.

16. Write that blog you always said you’d write.

17. Start a podcast or pitch a topic and your credentials to someone whose podcast you’d like to be on as a guest.

18. Send HR your thoughts on company HR policies regarding working at home or extended emergencies now that you are living it.

19. Handwrite notes of encouragement and appreciation and mail USPS to your staff. Later on, write and send a thank-you note to a colleague who has done something nice for you during quarantine or been a leader to recognize their efforts (send to work if you don’t have their home address and they’ll have it first thing when they return).

20. Write a LinkedIn recommendation for your mentor, peer or colleague you admire.

21. Sort through work photos, put in files for social media posts, marketing, presentations and then trash those you don’t need. P.S. Photos take up a huge amount of space and your IT team will thank you (again).

22. Create a new wellness plan for yourself. Some gyms are closed, so evaluate what you can do in and around your home and do it. If it is safe to invite a buddy to workout with you, keep social distance and schedule now. A walk in nature for fresh air can be restorative in many ways.

23. Create self-care time; pause to meditate/pray/breathe/center yourself. Remember, this is temporary.

24. Cue up your social media posts on a service like Buffer, Later, Loomly or others (paid). Do you have advice to offer during these trying times? Then jump in and offer it to help others via social media/owned media channels.

25. Order carry out or have food delivered from your local restaurant to help keep them in business during the quarantine period.

26. Share lunch with someone (in person if you live nearby, practicing social distancing and other precautions) where one of you brings lunch to the other.

27.  Research the next conference you want to attend and get a budget together for it.  How about applying to present at a 2021 conference?

28. Organize and hold a virtual fund raising drive to support your local non-profits hurting from the pandemic. (How about a food drive for the local food pantry as an easy one with local impact?)

29. Work on that presentation or new curriculum you’ve been putting off.

30. Host a webinar on your topic of expertise or sign up for an interesting webinar to learn something new.

31. Send out/complete personnel evaluations for the year (if possible) early for once!

32. Distribute links to/complete any mandatory online training (sexual harassment, ethics, diversity, new employee, etc.)

33. Create/send out a staff survey to plan next professional development or retreat day to get ideas from your team using Survey Monkey or make it more fun on an app like Kahoot doing it real time.

34. Update your resume and social media profiles. Repost critical information sent from your marketing team if instructed to/relevant to your industry.

35. Play your favorite music!

36. Update your current budget for next quarter or develop one for next year.

37. Sign-up for an online class or MOOC (Massive Open Online Class) to improve your knowledge/skills.

38. Order new office supplies so they’ll be waiting for you when you return.

39. Plan a welcome back gathering at work.

40. Remember to tell your colleagues how much they are valued. We all need positive affirmation and encouragement, especially now!

The bottom line is to be smart on how you work and live until this virus is under control and gone. It is easy to panic if you are tuned into the avalanche of media stories and conflicting information. Be a leader and share facts and knowledge about what you know to help others. Keep your social distance, don’t put yourself in large gatherings and wash your hands. Here is a video I made about the new, proper hand washing technique I learned last fall at spine school before surgery. A PS note to the video is to use a paper towel or use your elbow to turn the water off to maintain sanitation, which I neglected to model.

If you need someone to bump heads with to get new ideas or direction, I’m offering free one hour virtual cups of coffee through March 30 afternoons from 1-5 p.m. You can access my calendar to schedule time HERE and I’ll try to be of help or suggest resources.

Stay safe and work smart. We’ll get through this together. Namaste.

Life Disrupted: 50 things to do while sheltering from COVID-19

So, we now know what a #blackswan is. I feel like 9-11 and the polar vortex had a baby called Corona. The fear factor seems a bit like 9-11 and the shelter in place like the polar vortex (except everyone seems to be a the stores stocking up). Life certainly has been disrupted

When did you go stock up on toilet paper, canned goods and disinfectant wipes? Personally, I went out two weeks ago while watching what was happening on the other side of the world and then again this week. But it really hasn’t hit us until the past couple of days when everything is being cancelled. Since I find myself with quite a clear schedule the next couple of weeks, it got me thinking. My time discernment found me creating a list of potential things to do that are mostly not work related. I’ll work on that list next. So here is the list to help inspire your own.

50 Things to do while self-quarantining for COVID-19

1.     Complete 2020 Census.

2.     Binge watch Netflix.

3.     Clean out your refrigerator, toss expired foods.

4.     Paint that room.

5.     Clean out your emails.

6.     Delete photos off your camera roll on your phone.

7.     Go through your medicine cabinet and throw out expired items.

8.     Organize family photos/work on scrapbooks.

9.     Throw out old spices.

10. Go through your closet and donate clothes to charity.

11. “Marie Kondo” your condo or house and get ready for a garage sale.

12. Find your “honey do” list and get some things “honey done.”

13. Do something artistic.

14. Wash your windows.

15. Clean your car.

16. Do yard work.

17. Go for a nature walk away from crowds.

18. Update your will.

19. Learn how to cook something new.

20. Bake your favorite dessert and share it with your elderly neighbor.

21. Write a letter to someone who hasn’t heard from you in a long time.

22. Call your parents. If they aren’t alive, call your kids. If you don’t have kids, call a friend.

23. Tidy up your garage.

24. Shred old bills and documents.

25. Do your taxes.

26. Start seeds for your garden.

27. Organize computer files.

28. Play board games with your family.

29. Rearrange your furniture.

30. Spring clean your yard.

31. Meditate.

32. Stretch, yoga.

33. Change the sheets on your bed (and wash them). It’s time to take off my flannel anyway.

34. Hold meetings and conversations online.

35. Make something.

36. Read a book.

37. Play your favorite music.

38. Update your social media profiles.

39. Sign up for an online class.

40. Order new (fill in the blank) online.

41. Update your resume.

42. Write something.

43. Learn a new language.

44. Participate in a webinar.

45. Purchase gift certificates from your favorite small businesses to help keep them in business during this downturn.

46. Write a thank you letter to your favorite coach or teacher.

47. Check-in with an elderly family member or neighbor.

48. Pull out baby pictures and share stories.

49. Water, re-pot, fertilize your plants.

50. Just “be” with the one/s you love.

So many choices. Don’t let fear rule your life right now. Take steps to be safe and keep healthy and take this time to do some things you’ve put off for weeks, months, years or even decades. We’ll get through this together. And, besides, wouldn’t it be nice to slip into clean sheets tonight and wake up to a clean fridge tomorrow?

P.S. Since the virus is spread by contact of the droplets and proper hand washing is a great way to keep yourself healthy, I made this video to share a new hand washing technique I learned last fall before I underwent back surgery at Rush-Copley. It’s not your grandma’s hand washing, so check it out. Stay well my friends.