Getting My Wings

Sometimes obvious hides in plain sight. Taking time to regroup and recharter enabled my personal white space for self-organization, self-reflection and self-care. It’s just what I needed. Nesting time. And now my pause, my personal sabbatical, my gap year is over. I’m recharged and ready to take flight with this new venture called Four Hawks. For those of you who have been waiting to see “what’s next,” it’s really just more of what I love to do - helping ideas take flight.

I look forward to working with changemakers of all types to help you scan your environment, solve problems and soar higher. If your organization is ready to counteract the powerful inertia of the status quo, let’s talk. It’s time for you to create something new, by design.

If you’d like to learn more about Four Hawks and how we can help your organization with innovation on demand services, let me buy you a cup of coffee so I can hear your story.

Yes, it’s time for takeoff…

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